Salted Hilsa ( Fali – Special )
Slices of lightly salted hilsa, cut into pieces without the head and tail, are as attractive to look at as they are delicious to eat.
👌You can’t understand the taste of fried, roasted or cooked salted hilsa without trying it. Once you try it, you will understand why our salted hilsa flakes are the best.
✅A large unsalted piece of hilsa weighs 150-200 grams. There will be 3-4 pieces in 500 grams .
🚚We deliver completely fresh and safe salted hilsa flakes cash on home delivery nationwide. You can understand the delivery time and then pay the bill.
✅ Salted Hilsa ( Fali – Special ) – 250 grams 420 taka , 500 grams 840 taka and 1 kg 1680 taka.
🚚Home delivery charge is 60 taka in Dhaka city and 120 taka nationwide.
🔵Rules for storing dried fruits-
Dried fruits should be stored in a deep freezer in a bowl. Dried fruits will stay good for about a year in this way. If you keep them in the freezer, the taste and aroma of dried fruits will remain intact.
🚚It will be delivered to your address within 48-72 hours of ordering.
👉Click the “Buy Now” button to order.
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